
A.L.T. Caporalato Actions for Legality and Labour Protection

The ALT Caporalato Actions for Legality and Labour Protection project aims to address the issue of labour exploitation among migrant workers in various sectors including agriculture, logistics, construction, and manufacturing. The project focuses on strengthening supervisory activities and promoting coordinated actions among stakeholders. The project is implemented in Abruzzo, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio, Lombardia, Marche, Piemonte, Toscana, Umbria and Veneto. The three main areas of intervention are:

  1. Support to supervisory activity: The project establishes specialised cultural mediator groups to assist the National Labour Inspectorate in overcoming language and cultural barriers between inspectors and migrant workers. This helps build trust between workers and supervisory bodies.
  2. Training and education: The project aims to enhance the skills of labour inspectors and cultural mediators through mutual training sessions. These sessions cover topics like immigration legislation, illegal hiring, labour exploitation of migrants, and the complexities of migration. The goal is to build multicultural sensitivity among the stakeholders.
  3. Awareness-raising initiatives: The project focuses on raising awareness among migrant workers about their rights and obligations in employment relationships. It also aims to inform them about the protection mechanisms available under the Italian legal system.

Donors and partnerships: A.L.T. Caporalato! is funded by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy-Directorate General of Immigration and Integration Policies- and led by the Italian National Labor Inspectorate and IOM as responsible for the overall design, coordination, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

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