Pilot projects
Inclusive health services
Ensuring the provision of inclusive health services and enhance knowledge about migrants’ health needs.

The Region of Crete (Greece), in collaboration with the Health Region and the national health authorities, aims at ensuring the provision of inclusive health services. The initiative:
- implements the Personal Health Record (e-PHR) building on the knowledge and experience from other regions;
- trains health staff on the use of the e-PHR;
- provides health promotion materials and health mediation services (i.e. interpretation and mediation support) to ensure common understanding between beneficiaries and health promoters;
- establishes “Info Help Desks” to enhance information provision for migrants at local level in Crete, starting by assessing the prevalent needs and gaps in service provision with all relevant stakeholders.
The aim of the electronic Personal Health Record (e-PHR) and its platform is to enhance knowledge amongst stakeholders about refugees’ and migrants’ health needs, to ensure that migrant health assessment records are available at transit and destination countries and to strengthen national and cross-border disease surveillance and response capacities.
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