Recognizing talent
Stories from refugees and their employers.

“I start each day totally happy. I enjoy going to my job. I am glad to be part of a great team.”
Consultant at Tolk en Vertaal Centrum,
the Netherlands.
Originally from Iran.
“We have a really diverse team and what you get is a lot of empathy for people. They talk to each other and try to understand each other so it broadens our people’s mindsets.”
Founder of the company Fonk,
the Netherlands.
The Skills2Work project has identified many good practices within nine European Member States.
Hear the stories of Ali, Alisat, Dany and Ilnaz who fled from their countries of origin, and have successfully found employment in Europe. How did they have their skills and prior learning recognized? What challenges did they face on their path to employment? How has their job supported their own integration efforts? What motivated each of their employers to recruit a refugee?
Do you want to share your project with our community and stakeholders?