Study visit: Inclusive education and skills development
18–19 of May 2023, Slovenia.

On the 18–19 of May 2023, IOM Slovenia and the Adult Education Center Jesenice will host a study visit of the Includ-EU consortium to Slovenia, addressing inclusive education and skills development. Equal access to and participation in formal and non-formal education significantly contributes to integration and inclusion of migrants.
The study visit will be opened on 18 May 2023 by Dr Aida Kamišalić Latifić, State Secretary from the Ministry of Digital Transformation, and Ms Katarina Štrukelj, Director of the Government Office for Support and Integration of Migrants. First roundtable discussion will address enrolment of migrant children in education. Speakers from the Ministry of Education, Primary School Livada, Slovenian Migration Institute, and Slovenian Philanthropy will discuss models of enrolment of migrant children in the education and addressing migration and interculturalism in the educational sector. In the second roundtable discussion on skills development and vocational training for migrants, panellists from the Adult Education Center Jesenice, Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training, Labour Mobility and Social Inclusion Division from the IOM Headquarter Geneva and Peace Institute will discuss skills development, including digital skills, and life-long learning opportunities to enhance the inclusion of migrants. A visit of the Livada Primary School with more than 90% of pupils of migrant background will be held, to present their model of enrolment of migrant children.
On 19 May, study visits to Škofja Loka and Jesenice will be organized, to present integration support and skills development programs for migrants, and municipal approach to inclusion of migrants’ policies and practices. The study visit will conclude with a Migrantour of Ljubljana.
The study visit will gather participants from Italy, Spain, Belgium, Greece, Switzerland, and Slovenia.
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