Webinar: Cross-sectoral approaches to inclusive housing
Main challenges and innovative approaches to inclusive housing for local authorities and relevant stakeholders.
The housing pillar of the EU’s Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion places emphasis on the need to ensure affordable accommodation and promote non-segregated, dignified, and accessible housing. In this webinar, we will discuss some of the main challenges to inclusive housing as well as explore opportunities and approaches for local and regional public authorities and relevant stakeholders to promote and implement inclusive housing policies.
The 4th Includ-EU webinar will look at innovative practices that promote the positive benefits of intercultural identities of neighbourhoods and encourage social interactions in inclusive housing and public spaces, which are of utmost importance to foster integration through careful, urban regeneration.
Furthermore, housing inclusion is the topic of the first Includ-EU’s policy brief as well as of the ANCI Toscana’s pilot project, presented in a dedicated video. Both the policy brief and video will be presented during the webinar.
Speakers of the webinar include:
- Rossella Celmi, Project Manager, IOM Coordination Office for the Mediterranean
- Ivana D’Alessandro, Head of the Intercultural Cities Unit, Council of Europe
- Eleonora Milazzo, PhD, researcher and migration policy consultant
- Fatemeh Jailani, COO of SINGA Global
Moderator: Johanna Pacevicius, policy and knowledge transfer coordinator at Assembly of European Regions.
Anna Comacchio, Project and Policy Officer,
Johanna Pacevicius, Policy and Knowledge Transfer Coordinator,
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