Practices Education

Cultural mediation as bridge between the migrant family and the school

Supporting migrant children and families and development of practices in the local community and schools.

The project

The Daily care centre for children in need of additional motivation and support in the learning process provides numerous activities, one of which is devoted to supporting migrant children, who represent the highest share of users of the centre. Social and educational programs for families also take place, e.g., learning Slovene language and social activation programs. There are interpreters and cultural mediators involved in the work of the centre. The work of the Association for developing voluntary work Novo Mesto further enables the development of practices in the local community and schools in response to the specific needs and specificities of the multicultural environment in the city of Novo Mesto. 

This specific project focuses on expanding the work of a cultural mediator from the daily centre to the local elementary schools. Through the engagement of a cultural mediator, the different needs of migrant children that can arise from their culture, gender and/or age, can be addressed and solutions to their challenges can be found. With the engagement of a cultural mediator the educational process for migrant children can be more attentive to their needs, help address stereotypes and reduce tensions and misunderstandings between migrants and local communities. Lastly, a cultural mediator can also help ease the process of integration of migrant families in their new local communities. 

The impact of the good practice

The added value of the project is that is succeeded in the job systematization of teachers for Slovene as a second foreign language. The number of teachers is defined proportionally, based on the number of immigrant pupils at the school; the same teacher can be employed at multiple schools in the same local community. Introduction of the role of multipliers into schools. The role of multipliers would need to be systemized in order to ensure sustainability.

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Practices Education

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Practices Education

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