Gender one of most important factors shaping the migration experience
Capacity-building training in Slovenia addressed the intersections of gender and migration.

On 24 February 2022, IOM Slovenia organized an online training on migration and gender equality for representatives of local authorities and stakeholders working on migration issues. The training, implemented by IOM experts, addressed gender mainstreaming, gender-responsive data collection and prevention of gender-based violence. The training was held within the Includ-EU project.
The first part of the training was held by Ms. Mai Hattori, Gender Officer at the IOM Gender and Diversity Coordination Unit. Ms. Hattori highlighted that gender is one of the most important factors shaping the migration experience. Emphasizing the importance of developing gender-sensitive projects and programs, she introduced the gender analysis. She continued with presenting gender mainstreaming and highlighting that it ensures that inequalities are not perpetuated.
The session on implementing gender-responsive migration data was delivered by Ms. Estefania Guallar Ariño, Data Officer at the IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) based in Berlin. Emphasizing that lack of data hinders the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development objective of leaving no-one behind, she introduced a model of implementing a gender-responsive approach to migration data. “Gender-responsiveness in the production of migration data can constitute an integral part of migration governance, if well integrated throughout the policy cycle,” she concluded.
The final part was dedicated to prevention of gender-based violence. Ms. Sofia Luis, Project Assistant for Luxembourg at the IOM Country Office for Belgium and Luxembourg introduced the Migrant Women & Girls Toolbox, emphasizing the importance of inclusive and participatory process of developing the toolbox and the importance of targeted capacity-building efforts.
In the conclusion, the participants agreed that as gender impacts all stages and processes of migration, it is crucial to integrate gender-responsiveness in development, implementation and evaluation of projects and programs.
Graphic harvest of the training was done by Lara Kastelic from Nariši mi zgodbo.

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