Training: Governance for housing inclusion

On Thursday, June 1, the fifth round of capacity building on inclusion and housing transition for citizens with migrant backgrounds promoted by IOM Italy was held entitled “Governance” and featuring the intervention of expert Andrea De Conno from Federsanità.
After a few hints with respect to the centrality of the person and lesp in the structuring of interventions Andrea De Conno went into the merits of innovative systems of public-private collaborative governance and coordination between services for the housing, work and social autonomy of users. Through a quantitative and typological framework, he addressed the issue of poverty and inequality by also declining them in their multidimensionality.
The focus on the dimensions of poverty, multidimensional assessment processes and unified access gates guided the intervention, constituting an important opportunity to continue working together on the implementation of innovative solutions capable of responding to the housing needs of citizens in complex situations, particularly to people with migratory backgrounds who do not – or no longer – have the right to housing services.
At the conclusion of the first part of the afternoon, work resumed with a workshop facilitated by Sociolab. Participants were invited to participate in the plenary by answering together some questions through Mentimeter, an interactive tool that allows questions and questionnaires to be administered and feedback shared in real time with the audience. After the response time, the workshop concluded with a commentary and discussion between Andrea De Conno and the participants.
On the fifth day of the training, an important piece was added in the reflection on the theme of housing and collective experimentation of new tools and possible interventions to be able to accompany subjects towards a housing transition that can make them not only autonomous but also protagonists of their own path. Important reflections were shared on collaborative public-private governance, allies and resources needed to pursue paths of inclusion capable of leading individuals to the achievement of their own autonomy in housing, but also in work and social life.
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