Practices Health care
Interdisciplinary System for the Protection of mental health of asylum seekers and refugees.
The project
The project promoted the activation of a support and supervision system for the reception centers’ personnel and the Regional Health System’s (SSR) personnel, through the creation of an operational structure integrated into the SSR, which is divided into a regional team and three mobile multidisciplinary units (one for each AUSL). The teams, which included profiles with anthropology, cultural mediation and ethno-psychiatry skills, aimed to help the managing bodies and socio-health services of the territory to implement a more appropriate and effective treatment of cases of mental discomfort. This contributed to the strengthening of a regional referral system among services. The activities included also specific trainings for the personnel of the concerned entities.
Focusing on policy design and capacity building activities for the workers ensured the sustainability of the Action because it provided the Region with instruments and resources aimed to last in the future. Moreover, although it was specifically developed to respond to the needs of Tuscany in terms of TCNs mental health, similar needs are present throughout the country; as such, the project could be adapted to any other Italian region, considering the specific contexts and after adapting the operational guidelines.
Finally, the project involved the region of Tuscany, the AUSLs and the Centro di Salute Globale, responsible for the extensive training program of the workers; another level of action established is between the health system and the reception one, which are called to cooperate in the framework of the activities, so as to build an efficient communication and referral system useful for provide the migrants with the necessary assistance.
The impact of the good practice
The project was able to create a regional common mental health strategy, aimed at taking care of asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and unaccompanied minors, based on a multidisciplinary and multicultural inter-sectorial approach (public and private-social sector), also involving the personnel operating in the public health sector such as GPs and pediatricians. Moreover, it contributed to the creation of a support and supervision system for the workforce of the reception centres and to the definition of a monitoring and evaluation strategy as a tool for verifying results and planning regional health policies.
Another added value of the project was the development of communication strategies between the health system and reception one, through the development of an organizational plan that involves both reception and health services.
Moreover, through the training program promoted by the project, 3.525 workers identified by the AUSL strengthened their skills, and the involvement of GPs, pediatricians and frontline workers was a key element in recognizing mental health related issue in early phases and providing adequate assistance.
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Practices Health care
Green Line
The project Started on February 2020, the 24h/7 national hotline, Tel Verde […]
The project Started on February 2020, the 24h/7 national hotline, Tel Verde […]
Practices Health care
Assistance to vulnerable families and people
The project Material and medical assistance provided to vulnerable families and people irrespective of their country of origin, […]
The project Material and medical assistance provided to vulnerable families and people irrespective of their country of origin, […]